Sunlake High School located in Land O’ Lakes, Fla., facilitates the Curriculum Fair Event on Tuesday, February 11, 2014. The event transitions students to the upcoming 2014 – 2015 school year course selections. This is important because it orientates incoming freshmen with information that prepares them for the transition into high school. Although the event targets incoming freshmen, current freshmen, sophomores and juniors also have the opportunity to attend this event in order to explore the curriculum and transition planning after they graduate high school and choose to attend college.
Guidance counselors are available to answer questions or concerns students may have regarding academic planning. They are also able to attend special event sessions on Bright Future Scholarships, options for Dual Enrollment, both at Sunlake High School and Pasco Hernando State College. Finally, students and parents are able to meet with various teachers, which are promoting their programs to provide those families with the information they are seeking.
Easing the Transition to High School, reinforces the success middle school students have when they start high school. The resources provided to them and their family eases the anxiety they may be facing. Also, research proves when middle school students attend transition programs they are more likely to be successful and graduate. Therefore, the dropout rate will decrease.
Although transitioning into high school can be overwhelming, The Palo Alto Medical Foundation offers an abundance of information for teenagers and parents regarding topics of concern they may have when transitioning into the high school environment. The website provides topics of interest with answers to guide teenagers on the right path. Many of the topics covered pertain to incoming teenagers entering high school as well as the experiences they may encounter through their senior year and beyond.