Stephanie Dizon of Land O’Lakes, Fla., is a Radiologic Technologist in Spring Hill, Fla. Dizon prides herself with taking care of the people in the community she grew up in. It is a true testament for her to experience first hand assisting those individuals whom helped shape her early childhood. Those educators were instrumental in teaching her life-long skills she would utilize throughout her profession.
The demand for Radiologic and MRI technologist is projected to grow 21 percent from 2012 to 2022. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics only an Associate’s degree is required to qualify for these positions. In addition to an average pay of $55,910 a year, technologists who acquire multiple certifications have the best job prospects.

Dizon said, “I often joke with my patients that the x-ray room is as cold as a meat locker.” The environment and mood of the x-room is not inviting and smells like antiseptic. The equipment they use does not look modern but rather antiquated. The climate both in temperature and appearance increases patients’ anxiety. Dizon says, “I use my warm smile and charismatic personality to make sure my patients feel welcomed and safe.”

Dizon estimates washing her hands over fifty times during her shift, and uses hand sanitizer in between hand washing. Unfortunately, at times she feels her hands are as rough as sand paper. Therefore, Gold Bond is her best ally in ensuring that her hands are moist and her patients receive exceptional care.

Although Dizon uses the lead apron on occasion for herself, patients have to utilize it during each exam. This is important because it protects the patient from any scatter radiation, which can be more harmful than the radiation from the x-ray tube.

hen taking x-rays it is essential to utilize a cassette in the process of capturing an image. In earlier times film was used within these cassettes and since then have been replaced with phosphorus plates. This new technology enables better image quality, which in turn provides a more accurate diagnosis.

Dizon is the lead radiologic technologist and with that comes many responsibilities. In addition to being a lead technologist, she is also a clinical instructor for two local colleges. It is imperative that Dizon partakes in furthering her knowledge and continuing her education so she may better serve those students she is mentoring.

Dizon has accomplished multiple milestones throughout her career. In 2008 Dizon was awarded Employee of the Quarter. In 2011 she was awarded the Outstanding Monthly Award. Dizon was also awarded the Outstanding Clinical Award for both 2012 and 2013.

“Although there were many professions I could have chosen, I am extremely fulfilled in this field. Within this profession there are many venues one can choose to pursue. For instance, one can further their education in other advanced specialty areas such as, MRI, Mammography, CATscans, and Special Procedures,” stated Dizon.

Dizon’s mother, Nancy Vasquez is a Native New Yorker who brought her family to Spring Hill, Fla, Fla., 26-years-ago. Vasquez is proud of the career her daughter has chosen. “I always knew my daughter would choose a field where she would be a part of the process in assisting people with medical needs,” said Vasquez. Her daughter takes her position very seriously and is dedicated to her patients. “She lived in the neighborhood for over 26 years, therefore, many of her patients have seen her mature into the professional woman she is today,” reinforced Vasquez.
There are times when the meeting in the emergency x-ray room can be positive, but unfortunately there are times when the result of the visit could be sad and even traumatizing. Vasquez said “I sometimes feel sad for my daughter because due to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) rule she is not at liberty to discuss her feelings or experiences with anyone. In my opinion, sometimes it can be a heavy load for her to carry.”
Dizon has been very successful throughout her career because she is a very caring and nurturing individual. “When patients leave the hospital they feel fortunate and comfortable that she cared for them. She is blessed to be working in such a rewarding profession,” said Vazquez