Teenager with Type 1 Diabetes Advocates for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. Type 1Diabetes controls the lives of over three million Americans. It is a disease that if not monitored carefully can permanently damage vital organs. This disease is extremely difficult for adolescents due to bodily changes they endure during puberty. Kendall Browning, a 13-year-old teenager was diagnosed with Type I diabetes when she was 9-years-old. Since then she has handled this disease with amazing courage and has become an advocate for Diabetes awareness. Kendall’s “JD Krew” has already started fundraising for this upcoming “Walk to Cure Diabetes” in April at Fort De Soto Park in St. Petersburg, Fla. She has partnered with the Tradewinds Island Resort on St. Pete Beach, Fla., for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation to raise money to find a cure for this disease.