Those of us currently on the job hunt know first-hand how tedious, exhausting and emotionally draining applying for a job and interview process has become. At one point or another we have all received countless rejection emails, no response from recruiters or employers, and numerous rounds of interviews, which have resulted in disillusionment because they decided to fill the position with an internal employee or they had too many candidates to select from. Many of us have experienced this over and over throughout our job search. It is during these times that we need to stop and remind ourselves that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
On Monday, February 21, 2022 I started my morning with a positive mindset. I submitted several resumes over the past two weeks, had completed a LinkedIn course, and was starting to exercise again to feel better and release the stress. All of a sudden, I checked my emails and to my dismay the rejection emails kept pouring in throughout the day. I was beside myself! NUMB to say the least! I was disappointed, felt like a failure, and my self-esteem was at its lowest.
After taking a moment I reminded myself that I’m a highly experienced and educated woman that has worked for everything I’ve accomplished in my life thus far. I continued to search for jobs that afternoon and grateful I did. I want to share an AMAZING article I found on LinkedIn written by Tadd Smith, “Stop! If you are trying to impress me, you already have! You’re hired!” My perseverance to find a job amidst the 2020 COVID-19 job loss pandemic. Smith’s personal journey is a true testament if we put in the time and effort in conducting our job search, we will reap the benefits in the end. Smith says, “I wrote this article to shed a ray of hope and positivity through the clouds of this Pandemic. I truly believe that if I can do it, anyone can. Just like everything though, you got to want it bad enough.”
This article is insightful because it gives the reader hope, excellent tips, guidance, and motivation to not lose faith because the right career is out there for all of us. Smith provides key tips to start immediately when you begin your job search and I wish I would have had this knowledge a year ago because maybe I would have already found a career working with an amazing company.
Smith states in his article, “Find your ‘Plus 1 Factor’ in every interaction. Put your mark on each person you encounter. Apply it, not just at your job, but at everything in your life. Be good to one another, look out for one another, and above all else put someone before yourself.” To think, as I read this, I could feel his words resonate with the way I live my life both personally and professionally. We must believe that there are still empathetic and compassionate professionals who are willing to extend a hand and help those individuals with the connections they have. Networking is key!
If this article helps you the way it has for me, please share it with others. In times like this we must remember to Pay It Forward!
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